
Showing posts with the label Social Science Research

The Politics of Science & Homosexual Activism

Sound public policy requires knowledge of the facts. But recent events show that disagreements about the evidence on hot button issues are often resolved in state capitols, not the ivory tower. In the debate over same-sex marriage and parenting, one of the key empirical questions is whether same-sex relationships harm children. The July issue of  Social Science Research published a study by University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus that found that adult children of parents who had same-sex relationships reported more emotional problems than did those who were raised by parents in heterosexual marriages. Political activists on both sides of the same-sex marriage debate jumped on the article. Opponents of same-sex marriage   cited the research  as evidence of the problems of same-sex parenthood.  Social conservatives  jumped on the results as scientific confirmation of their beliefs and intuition. Proponents of gay rights and same-sex marriage, however,...