
Showing posts with the label Mary Wagner

Your God is wrong? rags Ontario Judge Clements

Português: Bento XVI durante encontro com os jovens no Estádio do Pacaembu em São Paulo, Brasil. English: Youth gathered to meet Benedict XVI at the Estádio do Pacaembu in São Paulo, Brazil. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Pro-choicers and pro-lifers demonstrated in Parliament Square, London, as the House of Commons debated the Embryology Bill (focusing on whether the abortion time limit should be lowered from 24 weeks) on Tuesday May 20 2008. MPs voted to keep the 24-week limit. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Anti-abortion demonstration "Each life matters" in Madrid - Spain Español: Manifestación contra el aborto "Cada vida importa" en Madrid - España Italiano: Manifestazione contro l'aborto "Ogni vita è importante" a Madrid - Spagna (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) TORONTO, Ontario , March 22, 2012 ( – An Ontario Court of Justice judge erupted in a lengthy, angry tirade against pro-life activist Mary Wagner – and ejected a spectator from the pub...