Is Homosexuality a greater abomination than other sins?

And it is natural to have our stomachs turned by homosexuality - even when we see false slogans like "Love is Love." It is a natural reaction because homosexuality is a decidedly unnatural action. Yes, all sins deserve eternal damnation and in that sense are equal. And yes, all sins are “unnatural” in the sense that they reflect our fallen, non-original nature. But, like Orwell’s animals, some sins are more equal than others. Or rather, some are less natural than others. Adultery is an abomination in that it distorts the natural place of sex. Homosexuality is a greater abomination in that it is a greater distortion. Bestiality (double shudder) is greater still on both counts (Lev. 18:22–23). The humble response to the sin of homosexuality is not to say, knowing no one will shudder, “Well I looked at the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue so I’m just as bad.” Better to call it what God calls it, a perversion and an abomination. And true humility requires that we respond...