Homosexual hatred in the church?

I’m quite aware that we will be branded haters and bigots if we simply teach that marriage is the union of one man and one woman or if we believe that kids deserve a mom and a dad. And I know only too well that if we hold to historic Judeo-Christian sexual morals, we will be vilified in the ugliest imaginable terms. No matter how gracious and respectful we are, no matter how carefully we present our views, we will be attacked, and there’s nothing we can do about that other than continuing to speak the truth in love. Some of those reacting in anger have been deeply hurt and feel personally wounded by our words, believing that we are dehumanizing and condemning them. And so, rather than calling them hypersensitive, we should be as sensitive as possible when sharing the gospel with them. Others simply respond with, “Hater! Bigot! Homophobe!” the moment we present the truth. It’s reflex as much as it is rhetoric, and we can’t be discouraged or disheartened in the least when treated li...