School district caves to gay lobby, pays $800,000 to settle transgender student case

The Kenosha Unified School District has caved to the transgender agenda, dropping its appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court and paying a $800,000 settlement in the case of a biologically female student who says she is a "boy." In July 2016, Wisconsin high schooler Ashley Whitaker sued her school. She said she suffered from depression and anxiety and that her life was miserable – not because of her gender dysphoria, but because George Nelson Tremper High School didn’t acknowledge her as a "boy" and allow her to use the boys’ bathroom. The board voted 5-2 last week to not continue the case and to withdraw the district’s petition to the Supreme Court. The district’s attorney Ron Stadler said that the district would likely have succeeded at the Supreme Court, but that the monetary and insurance risks weighed heavily. “I think we have an excellent argument, but if you look at it in terms that you’ve got these escalating costs, you’ve got a good argument, bu...