Homosexuality- Lust or God's Law

We often think that “our day and age” differs significantly from previous eras. We tend to think that our day presents more dangerous and stubborn problems, requiring more complex and sophisticated solutions, from wiser and nobler people, namely ourselves. Someone has dubbed this attitude “chronological snobbery.” But one thing puts the lie to this self deception—the continuing existence and destruction of lust. Lust involves any strong desire, craving, or want that opposes the holy will and command of God . Lust perverts, twists, and defiles all that is good and beautiful, and this is particularly true with sexual or carnal lust. For example, some people today tout homosexuality as an “orientation” equal in virtue to heterosexuality. They appeal to the “love” shared between two persons of the same gender, and on that basis, contend that equality and public acceptance must be guaranteed. To some, these sexual passions are so strong as to appear innate. Moreover, ...