
Showing posts with the label AUSTIN

Austin city council says ‘values’ require forcing churches to hire LGBT employees

Churches have no right to insist on employees that accept and practice their faith’s teachings on homosexuality, according to Austin officials defending an “anti-discrimination” ordinance currently being challenged by two socially conservative groups. The  local ordinance  guarantees “the opportunity for each person to obtain employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, or disability.” It contains an exception for “an employer to hire and employ employees” if one’s sexual orientation or gender identity is a “bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary for the normal operation of a particular business or enterprise,” as well as religious entities’ right to “hire and employ individuals of a particular religion.” But it doesn’t expressly state that a church’s beliefs about such issues qualify. In a  federal lawsuit  filed against the city, the Houston-based U.S. Pastor Council...

Children of Homosexual parents disadvantaged - study

In a historic study of children raised by homosexual parents, sociologist Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas at Austin has overturned the conventional academic wisdom that such children suffer no disadvantages when compared to children raised by their married mother and father. Just published in the journal  Social Science Research , [1] the most careful, rigorous, and methodologically sound study ever conducted on this issue found numerous and significant differences between these groups--with the outcomes for children of homosexuals rated "suboptimal" (Regnerus' word) in almost every category. The Debate Over Homosexual Parents In the larger cultural, political, and legal debates over homosexuality, one significant smaller debate has been over homosexual parents. Do children who are raised by homosexual parents or caregivers suffer disadvantages in comparison to children raised in other family structures--particularly children raised by a married mothe...

Texas AG confronts Target over transgender restrooms after another woman is videotaped in changing room

Another woman has said a man recorded as she changed her clothes inside a dressing room inside a Target store in Texas . The woman is the second to report that experience in Texas alone since Target reiterated its national gender-neutral restroom and changing room policy. A   Frisco, Texas, woman   says a man caught her on video while changing on May 3. "You don't think something like that is going to happen," the latest victim told the Dallas News . "Right now I just don't feel comfortable going back,” she added, referring to the Target location on Abrams Road. The repeated victimization of women by male voyeurs spurred state Attorney General Ken Paxton to write the company’s chairman. "After this latest incident, I hope Target finally recognizes the importance of protecting its customers, especially in environments where they can be at their most vulnerable,” said Paxton, who is also the lead plaintiff in a multi-state lawsuit against the...

Whole Foods sues gay pastor who claimed they put slur on his ‘Love Wins’ cake

Openly homosexual pastor Jordan Brown filed a lawsuit claiming that a Whole Foods in Austin added an anti-gay slur to a cake he ordered. Now, the chain has launched a lawsuit alleging he lied about the whole incident. Brown said he asked for a cake that said "Love Wins," but after he left the store he discovered the cake said "Love Wins Fag." In a lawsuit filed within hours of buying the cake on Monday, Brown said he was seeking damages and monetary relief for   mental anguish, court costs and other expenses . Whole Foods Market quickly produced a surveillance video disputing his story. “Our team member wrote 'Love Wins' at the top of the cake as requested by the guest, and that's exactly how the cake was packaged and sold at the store,” Whole Foods Marketing Field Associate Rachel Malish responded. "Our team members do not accept or design bakery orders that include language or images that are offensive," Malish said.  "...

The ‘plague’ of homosexuality in the priesthood: are we reliving the past?

The "cancer" of sodomy among priests threatens to bring down the wrath of God upon the Church, according to a Catholic saint and doctor who addressed a similar crisis in the priesthood over 900 years ago. In his  Book of Gomorrah ,  recently published in a new translation by Ite ad Thomam Books and Media, Damian takes special aim at the growing acceptability of homosexuality among the clergy , warning that it is “creeping through the clerical order, and indeed is raging like a cruel beast within the sheepfold of Christ.” He warns that unless this growing tolerance of homosexuality among clerics and the faithful is rooted out, “it is certain that the sword of divine fury is looming to attack, to the destruction of many.”  The  Book of Gomorrah  seems particularly relevant in the face of recent statements about homosexuality from the most influential leaders and groups within the Catholic Church which have led many to believe that the Church stands re...

Ottawa trustees lash out at leading psychiatrist for criticizing ‘gender identity’ policy

A prominent Canadian psychiatrist and long time critic of gender theory has called gender guidelines being considered for public schools in the nation’s capital both “biased and bigoted” for ignoring the mental health and safety of the 97 percent of students outside the LGBTQ orbit. But several elected trustees of the Ottawa-Carleton public board don’t appear to be interested in protecting the majority of “straight” students, responding to a request for comment from LifeSiteNews with ad hominem attacks on this reporter and on the psychiatrist, Dr. John Berger . Several trustees replied to LifeSite’s request for comment with a link to websites attacking the long time psychotherapist and examiner of applicants to board certification as psychiatrists.   Berger called the Carleton-Ottawa Gender Identity and Gender Expression Guide “one of the most biased and bigoted documents I have come across in a long time. In their efforts to be oh so accommodating to the possible fe...