Homosexual marriage will not bring happiness

A secular author argues the following but inadvertently identifies the failure of the whole : Marriage Equality argument. I don’t really know why anyone would want to stop anyone else from being happy , and if gay people think that getting married will make them happy, I say go for it. Sure, it’s never worked for anybody else but there’s a first time for everything. The only impediment to this seems to be that some people feel a bit weird about it, even though they’re not the ones getting married. Indeed, many of them are already married and clearly it hasn’t made them particularly happy. In other words, marriage for a man and a woman is hard work and sometimes results in separation, divorce, and hatred with kids caught in the middle. It doesn't promise happiness or lifelong romance. It is hard work for many people with many marriage counsellors dealing with issues. Hollywood promises happiness and bliss - marriage doesn't! Most Australians, h...