For years, Facebook group allowed older gay men to exploit homeless boys for sex

A startling investigative report reveals that for years Facebook (FB) allowed the existence of a group page where older gay men negotiated the trading of sex for shelter for young homeless men. The in-depth report, issued by Buzzfeed , chronicles the plight of young men with no place to stay who surrender their safety, health, and dignity for a warm bed or couch at night. “We uncover some of the damage done to these young men – the sexual violence – by landlords, and reveal how they are being enabled by two major internet companies, one of which is Facebook,” states Buzzfeed. “The world’s largest social media platform … is hosting explicit posts from landlords promising to house in return for gay sex .” “At best, impoverished young men are seeking refuge in places where they are at risk of sexual exploitation,” continues the report. “At worst, teenagers are being kept in domestic prisons where all personal boundaries are breached, where their...