
Showing posts with the label Logos Research Systems

The Bible supports loving Homosexual relationships but not homosexual paedophilia?

The error of and Metropolitan Community Church is their theology is not complete. They choose to ignore verses that condemn homosexuality, or apply the meaning of one verse namely, 1 Co 6:9 to all forms of homosexuality and then infer none of these verses apply to loving homosexual relationships. The Bible speaks clearly of false prophets and teachers, of ehich both organizations fulfill this criteria.  ἀρσενοκοίτης (arsenokoitēs), ου (ou), ὁ (ho): n.masc.; ≡ Str 733—LN 88.280 male homosexual, one who takes the active male role in homosexual intercourse (1Co 6:9), specifically interpreted as male homosexual paedophilia (NAB footnote); possibly a more generic term in first Timothy; sodomites ( RSV , NRSV , NKJV ), perverts ( NIV , NEB, REB ), practicing homosexuals (NAB), homosexual ( NJB ), (1Ti 1:10+), note: translations possibly use certain specific terms to infer or allow certain theologies Swanson, J. (1997).Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Dom...