Australia: Forgotten Children and Homosexual marriage
One of America ’s leading public Christians and recognised by Time Magazine as a leader among evangelicals, he has just published his own book about the same-sex marriage crisis entitled We Cannot Be Silent . Until recently, there have been few Australian voices resisting this cultural tsunami and the foaming rainbow wash sweeping everything in its path. It has fallen to a humble Toowoomba -based family GP , my friend Doctor David van Gend, to pen what is a damning indictment of the idea of redefining marriage in the Australian context. Stealing from a Child – the injustice of ‘ marriage equality ’ is a very provocative title. Doc, couldn’t you have toned it down a little, I wondered. But the leaders of the successful Irish campaign to redefine marriage admitted in their book, Ireland Says Yes , that our side’s concern for the right of children to be all...