Catholic parish hosts gay dance party for Lady Gaga’s LGBT charity. Seriously

Blessed Sacrament Church in the Archdiocese of New York has announced that its “Gay Fellowship” group will be partnering with Lady Gaga ’s “ Born This Way Foundation ” to hold a fundraising dance in the parish hall. John Gasdaska with 'husband' Wright Moore According to promotional materials displayed on the parish website, the event, which is styled a “dance party,” is called “Moving With the Spirit,” and will feature “cocktails, cabaret, silent auction, and dancing.” It is scheduled for 7 p.m. Saturday, June 17. The parish’s “Gay Fellowship” is headed by John Gasdaska, a man who “married” his homosexual partner in 2016 in an Episcopal church . Blessed Sacrament’s administration organized a celebration of Gasdaska’s “marriage” soon after the “wedding,” openly publicizing the event in the parish bulletin. The money raised by the dance will be used to fund the activities of two homosexualist organizations: the Born this Way Foundation and the Ali For...