Senate confirms Grenell as German ambassador, Trump’s highest-ranking ‘gay’ official

The U.S. Senate confirmed Richard Grenell as ambassador to Germany , making him the highest-ranking homosexual in the Trump administration. The Senate confirmed him by a 56-42 vote last Thursday, Reuters reported . He previously served as an adviser to several diplomats in the Bush administration as well as a U.S. spokesman at the United Nations , and he represented the country at numerous UN conferences. He was also a foreign policy analyst for numerous media outlets. President Donald Trump originally nominated Grenell in September. His confirmation came just in time for a visit to Washington from German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Throughout Trump’s presidency, conservatives have complained about Democrats slow-walking many of his nominees. Australia had to suffer Obama homosexual ambassador who also meddled in the homosexual marriage politics of the country. Why does the USA send its immorality overseas and offend so many countries? Grenell is pro-life, holds traditiona...