Homosexuals can't claim liberation like black racial liberation

The argument comparing Homosexual marriage to Black racial liberation is now seen as completely false because you can't tell if a homosexual by race. But now the pro-homosexual groups will seek to make homosexuality normal. Just get to know, we are just like you. This article below is the attempt by the Australian ABC to present Homosexuals as normal people. Using "gaydar" to identify if someone is homosexual is a harmful waste of time, researchers claim. A team from University of Wisconsin-Madison challenged what they identified as "the gaydar myth" and found not only was it inaccurate, it was a damaging form of stereotyping . A 2008 study from a different group of researchers suggested people could accurately identify someone's sexual orientation based on photographs of their faces. But in the University of Wisconsin-Madison team's paper published in the Journal of Sex Research , this was found to be untrue based on the parameters of ...