Christian pro-family leader wins five-year battle against ‘frivolous’ LGBT lawsuit

A federal district judge yesterday dismissed a leftist lawsuit against Christian pro-family advocate Scott Lively , who was sued for “crimes against humanity” for helping political and faith leaders in Uganda resist the LGBTQ agenda in the east African nation. Massachusetts District Judge Michael Ponsor, in a ruling laced with harsh pro-homosexual attacks on Lively, nevertheless dismissed the SMUG ( Sexual Minorities Uganda ) LGBT lawsuit against Lively — five years after it was filed with the help of the far-left Center for Constitutional Rights ( CCR ). Ponsor cited a 2013 (unanimous) U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the Alien Tort Statute did not apply to international claims as the reason for dismissing the lawsuit. The Christian-defense legal group assisting Lively, Liberty Counsel , heralded the ruling but chastised Ponsor for failing to dismiss the case earlier and for lacing his decision with extremist, pro-LGBT rhetoric demonizing L...