
Showing posts with the label Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons

Cardinal Martini and the false theology promoting homosexuality

Português: Funeral do papa João Paulo II. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) ROME, March 27, 2012 ( ) – Cardinal Carlo Martini, who at the conclave of 2005 was a favorite of ‘social justice’ Catholics to be elected Pope, has penned a book wherein he supports homosexual relationships.  The powerful Cardinal who was Archbishop of Milan until his retirement in 2002 at age 75, now lives in Jerusalem and suffers from Parkinson’s disease . Given Cardinal Martini ’s prominence in the Catholic Church (some sources suggest that he had quite a few votes to become Pope in the 2005 conclave) his statements on homosexuality point to a powerful counter-ideology that has made significant inroads into the Church’s teaching on the matter of homosexuality.  It is an ideology or theology that was warned about already in 1986 by Martini’s contemporary Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI . In his newly released  book ,  Credere e conoscere  (Faith and Unde...