Foundations pouring millions into campaign to eradicate religious exemptions on gay ‘marriage’

July 31, 2015 -- Revelations that a half dozen well-heeled liberal foundations are pouring millions of dollars into a concerted campaign to force religious organizations to accept same sex “marriage” have defenders of religious rights warning of a new “wave” of litigation. “Attacking religious exemptions is the next big wave,” Bill Donohue, head of the Catholic League , said “Gay rights are only the pretext. These groups won’t be satisfied till every trace of religion is erased from public life in America.” After investigating their financial and annual reports, The Catholic News Agency has released the names of six foundations that have recently donated millions to groups and campaigns to eliminate any religious exemption under the First Amendment from federal, state or municipal human rights regulations, requiring couples in same-sex “marriages” be treated the same as heterosexual married couples. The Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, the Gill Foundat...