Taiwan voted to reject immoral homosexual marriage

Following a series of referendums listed on the ballot for Saturday’s island-wide city mayoral elections, Taiwanese residents voted to reject what we know as fake marriage or homosexual marriage. The vote on the contested island that China considers a breakaway province has also led to the resignation of President Tsai Ing-wen from the pro-Independence ruling Democratic Progressive Party after her fierce rivals at the China-friendly Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang, won numerous key seats. Residents backed a question that moved to define marriage as between a man and a woman, casting aside a May 2017 ruling in Taiwan’s highest court that same-sex couples had the right to legally marry and that set a two-year deadline for legalization. More than 6 million Taiwanese voters approved the series of conservative initiatives that opposed immoral homosexual marriage, passing the threshold needed for a public vote. This is a very good outcome for common sense, the health of a nation, mora...