The sad LGBTQ agenda has derailed

What may seem like a straightforward chance to celebrate LGBT progress actually masks a fault line that has divided the LGBT movement since its start: whether the goal is equality or liberation , a fight for the right to be treated like everyone else or the freedom to be authentically ourselves. But this will never happen because it is based on lust. Do we seek belonging in the world as it is (including the military, marriage, and parenting) or the chance to transform the world, by throwing off repressive norms, crushing all resistance, governments, churches, schools everybody who objects, into a place where all of us — queer and non-queer alike — can be freer? For those who prize the latter — call them “liberationists” — nothing better symbolizes the wish to assimilate than same-sex marriage, and in reflecting on Stonewall’s legacy, they’ve often chided the movement for going in the wrong direction. For decades, immoral gay activists who cut their teeth in the c...