False homosexual animal kingdom argument

BIOLOGY AND GAY ANIMALS ? If homosexuality is considered normal because it occasionally occurs in the animal kingdom , then this does not support it is normal since it is practised by a small percent of animal populations which is below the norm. If, however, an appeal is made to the fact that homosexuality occurs within animals regardless of the percentage of the occurrence, then this has problems because it implies that whatever occurs in the animal kingdom is normal for us. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Then wouldn't this mean that it is normal to eat your young, to eat other creatures alive, to lie in wait to ambush and kill, sniff other human being's rear ends, eat placentas, barf up food to give to your young, and eat your own faeces? But, since people will differentiate between a sexual conduct and eat poop, they apply the it-is-done-in-the-animal-kingdom standard of morality to themselves in a selective fashion--particularly when it centres around the...