No Alberta politicians willing to stand up to NDP gvmt’s ‘totalitarian’ LGBT school agenda?

The New Democratic government of Alberta has apparently forgotten its duty to protect religious freedom and parental rights in the wake of Education Minister David Eggen’s open letter promising LGBT students the right to express their sexual proclivities in defiance of the religious beliefs that are foundational to many Alberta Christian and public schools. Meanwhile, the province’s two self-professed conservative parties have apparently forgotten their duty to oppose the government, maintaining a hear-no-evil, see-no-evil, speak-no-evil inaction when faced with the Eggen letter. “The government is not recognizing parental rights or religious freedom,” Brian Coldwell, pastor of a Spruce Grove church and head of the Independent Baptist Christian Education Society, told LifeSiteNews. Coldwell, whose society runs two private schools with 200 students and 1,200 homeschool students, was also strongly critical of the Progressive Conservative and Wildrose parties for the unwilling...