LGBT movement demands the right for men to use womens church bathrooms

If you’re a regular listener or reader of the news, you know how the LGBT agenda has been exposed as a movement that seeks, not equality, but the complete and total destruction of morality and the Christian faith . In a piece I wrote last week on the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage ruling, I highlighted the work of the Gay Mafia and how it has successfully persecuted and prosecuted Christian-owned businesses for refusing to embrace the lifestyle choices of LGBT individuals. I also provided an update on the movement’s latest efforts to destroy God’s definition of male and female by promoting transgenderism. In the name of “equality” and “ civil rights ,” the LGBT movement demands the right for men and boys to use the same bathrooms and showers as women and girls . . . even in our public schools . And while we have witnessed pockets of resistance to their demands in places like Nort...