More Solid Science to Debunk the Gender Bender Ideologues

The homosexual and gender bender activists are seeking to remake society in their own bent image, and are causing untold damage along the way, especially to our children. The uber-craze of transgenderism is now sweeping the West, with the militants seeking to indoctrinate an entire generation into believing that biology and reality are not to be trusted, and that there are untold genders and sexualities one can choose from. Of course the utterly bizarre thing in all this is the fundamental contradiction involved here: the activists insist that a homosexual is born that way and can never change, and it is harmful to even try, but in the same breath they insist that we can be whatever gender we want to be, with no limits to the preferences, attractions and identities one might run with.So science and biology have been trashed as the activists seek to reinvent human sexuality, and in the process, reinvent reality. But facts are stubborn things, and when we say no to the ideologues, and...