Stop cramming LGBT propaganda down the throats of ex-homosexuals and ex-transgenders

June, the formerly wonderful month marking the beginning of summer, is now a dreadful 30-day ordeal during which corporate America, news and social media compete to display their “wokeness,” relentlessly force-feeding us LGBT propaganda whether we like it or not. Many don’t like it. Those of us who formerly lived as gays, lesbians, and transgender men and women are especially appalled by it. The rainbow flag is not an emblem of freedom; it is an offensive symbol of bondage, bondage that eats away at the souls of men and women who are unable to escape the dark dominion it represents. Here’s a brief sampling of what Facebook – and many of the companies I now only begrudgingly patronize – tried to cram down my throat day after day during June: Our hometown Washington Nationals struck out on Facebook Facebook Screenshot Our Electric Company’s shocking Facebook promotion. Facebook Screens...