Australia: Queer theory forced onto kids

Australia: In News Weekly May 7, 2016, I referred to the Building Respectful Relationships (BRR) program, which is purportedly designed to prevent domestic/family violence. BRR is solidly based on queer gender theory: “Students need to understand that gender is not fixed and that as young people they can resist traditional notions of what it means to be a young man or a young woman in today’s society. … They will examine the implications of gendered assumptions around masculinities, femininities and sexualities for themselves, others and in intimate relationships. Students will begin to develop skills in … deconstruction, reconstruction.” (Unit 1 ( Year 8 – ages 13-14) Session 1) Basically what this means is that students will be taught to “deconstruct” (that is, question and reject) the perceived reality that every person is male or female and accept the idea that sex is not binary (that is, male and female) and that gender is fluid. Students are provided with the story of a fe...