
Showing posts with the label Pro-life

Nigerian bishops reject foreign efforts to impose abortion and gay unions

English: Seal of the President of Nigeria Category:National symbols of Nigeria (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) ABUJA, Nigeria -- The Catholic Bishops of Nigeria have called for the Church to be “more courageous and consistent in Pro-Life activities in favour of human life, marriage and the family as counter-cultural antidotes to anti-life ideologies and practices.” The call came in a communiqué issued following an international pro-life march and conference organized by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria and held in Abuja from June 5-7. “The relentless promotion by some international organizations of ‘sexual and reproductive rights’, a euphemism for abortion, is deceptive and unacceptable,” the communiqué asserts. The bishops demand that “legislation for abortion, which is the intentional killing of innocent babies in the womb, be denounced and abrogated,” and promise that they “remain resolved in our efforts to ensure that abortion is never legalized in our country.” ...

Your God is wrong? rags Ontario Judge Clements

Português: Bento XVI durante encontro com os jovens no Estádio do Pacaembu em São Paulo, Brasil. English: Youth gathered to meet Benedict XVI at the Estádio do Pacaembu in São Paulo, Brazil. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Pro-choicers and pro-lifers demonstrated in Parliament Square, London, as the House of Commons debated the Embryology Bill (focusing on whether the abortion time limit should be lowered from 24 weeks) on Tuesday May 20 2008. MPs voted to keep the 24-week limit. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Anti-abortion demonstration "Each life matters" in Madrid - Spain Español: Manifestación contra el aborto "Cada vida importa" en Madrid - España Italiano: Manifestazione contro l'aborto "Ogni vita è importante" a Madrid - Spagna (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) TORONTO, Ontario , March 22, 2012 ( – An Ontario Court of Justice judge erupted in a lengthy, angry tirade against pro-life activist Mary Wagner – and ejected a spectator from the pub...

Why do abortion supporters (and the law) care more for baby animals than baby humans?

Why is it that so many people who support abortion also support the right of baby animals to live?  I personally believe that people are created in the Image of God and, therefore, their lives are the most important to protect.  (I also believe we shouldn’t needlessly kill animals.)  However, I get how people who believe in evolution and think that we are all animals could equate killing an animal baby to killing a human baby.  But what I don’t understand is how one can be so wrong and the other so right… For example, I was at a hearing recently where legal advisors for the pro-life side and the abortion industry were discussing their positions on the proposed Colorado Personhood Amendment.  The abortion advocate’s attorney, Lila Bateman, attempted to answer a hypothetical question. Currently the law provides far more protection to the turtle egg than the unborn human being. If, instead of the Personhood Amendment being about giving the full protections of lif...

British pro-life group launches campaign against gay marriage

LONDON, England , January 11, 2012 - ( ) -  The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) has launched a campaign against the Westminster government’s proposals for same-sex marriage. SPUC has published  a position paper  on same-sex marriage following a resolution by SPUC’s Council last month. SPUC has also made available a  background paper  to be read in conjunction with the position paper and which provides some additional references and reflections. SPUC is the world’s oldest pro-life lobbying and educational organisation, founded in 1967. SPUC states that: - Marriage - the permanent, exclusive union of one man and one woman - is the basis of the family, the fundamental group unit of society. Upholding marriage is therefore in everyone’s interests. - Marriage as an institution protects children, both born and unborn. Statistics show that unborn children are much safer within marriage than outside marriage. - Same-sex marriage lacks ba...

LSN reporter Matthew Hoffman speaks to Brazilians about dangers of homosexual movement

  Latin America Correspondent Matthew Cullinan Hoffman has recently returned from a two-week Brazilian speaking tour on the dangerous rise of the homosexual movement and its link to the corrupted sexual morals of heterosexuals. Hoffman spoke to a large number of Catholic bishops and priests, as well as Evangelical ministers and laity, who received his message with gratitude. Three of the talks were live-streamed on the internet and a fourth was recorded for possible distribution by a Protestant family ministry. Hoffman speaks at the Campos dos Afonsos Baptist Church in Rio de Janeiro . Two of the talks can be found  here  beginning at 1:03:30, and here  at 15:20 (the second talk lacked audio until that moment). “The topic of homosexuality has become a very sensitive topic in recent years,” noted Hoffman in his opening remarks. “The reason tha Image by Getty Images via @daylife t it a sensitive topic is that the homosexual movement has been very successful in its...

Abortion, divorce and ‘same-sex marriage’: no blood, no foul?

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia For as long as I have debated topics of grave social concern, a particular sort of argument has been insouciantly tossed about by those who just want the conversation to end. It frequently takes the following form: “How will legalizing X harm me? I’m not being forced to do X. I’ll just keep on doing what I’m doing. Therefore I support the legalization of X.” Ms. A might argue, for example, that the legalization of abortion does not harm her. Of course millions of other people have had abortions , and most never would have considered one had it not been legal. A large percentage of these women have been coerced into abortion by parents or boyfriends. And there is, obviously, the harm suffered by the children actually aborted. But Ms. A has neither had an abortion, nor been aborted by her mother, and so believes she has suffered no harm. Similarly, Mr. B argues that he is not harmed by no-fault d Image by Getty Images via @daylife ivorce. Of c...

Homosexuals are not oppressed

 Conservative commentator Ann Coulter stayed true to her reputation for courting controversy during an address to homosexual conservatives in New York on Saturday, telling them that they did not need special rights and that marriage was the union of a man and a woman. According to reports, Coulter charmed her audience of 150 at the HomoCon fundraiser for GOProud with a number of jokes, admitting that it must have been difficult to come out of the closet and tell their parents that they were conservatives. But then the outspoken pundit said to her audience, “I should warn you: I've never failed to talk gays out of gay marriage ." Talking Points Memo reported that Coulter explained to the crowd that she supports marriage as the union of a man and a woman, because the institution is fundamentally about the procreation of children. Coulter then stated frankly that keeping marriage defined and restricted to heterosexual couples does not violate homosexuals’ civil rights . She a...