Blasphemous ‘gaytivity’ set uses two Josephs

An LGBT activist and comedian is promoting a nativity scene with two St. Josephs and no Virgin Mary. Some have dubbed this a “gaytivity scene.” “Our neighbors’ two Joseph nativity is up & I’m beaming,” Cameron Esposito tweeted along with a photo of the blasphemous display. One woman responded by tweeting a photo of her own “lesbian” nativity scene that uses two statues of Mary. The baby Jesus in that one is shown with a rainbow blanket. Rhode Island’s Bishop Thomas Tobin called the nativity set with two Josephs “sacrilege.” He posted on Facebook : Just came across this photo of a “gay nativity” scene — two Josephs dressed in pink watching over the Christ Child . How sad that someone believes it’s okay (or funny or cool) to impose their own agenda on the holy Birth of Jesus. Pray for those who did so, for their change of heart, and that Jesus will forgive this sacrilege, this attack on the Christian Faith . “Jesus had two dads and he...