Be warned. If you vote “No” in the homosexual marriage plebiscite you'll be branded a bigot.

BE warned. If you mention you are going to vote “No” in the homosexual marriage plebiscite you will most likely be branded a bigot. Now homosexual couples are accepted and have full legal rights . They already have equality and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. “Society” will turn on you. You may even be ostracised in your workplace, nursing home or footy club. So much freedom of speech. What same-sex marriage proponents like Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull neglect to tell you is this: Redefining marriage is redefining parenthood. Homosexual marriage supporters wrongly say that traditional parenting doesn’t matter anymore and that it is OK to bring a child up without a father or without a mother. Same-sex marriage is a misguided concept. And it is not simply a symbolic gesture as the left-wing columnists rush to tell you. It will have far-reaching consequences for children. Here I stress that opponents of same-sex marriage shouldn’t become bigots either. We all know the...