Gay Marriage and Abortion – Act of Terror by Supreme Court

Gay Marriage and Abortion – Act of Terror by Supreme Court Last Sunday, Pastor John MacArthur delivered a prophetic word that immediately reminded me of those “ Logic On Fire ” Lloyd-Jones addresses. At the evening message, MacArthur began by telling the congregation that while much that is very helpful has already been said regarding the recent legalization of same-sex “marriage,” he wanted to give additional clarity (you can listen to the message here ). He began by pointing out that our country often delineates our history through acts of terror and war. But he wanted us to know that in his opinion, the two biggest acts of terror our country have faced are both from our Supreme Court: the legalization of abortion, and now the legalization of SSM. How are those two connected? Well, the first attacks mothers, and second attacks families. The first means moms without kids, and the second means kids without moms. “This country talks a lot about terrorist attacks—and rightly so. A...