Imprisoned pastor faces more prison time - refusing to testify in lesbian custody case

Impregnated Lesbian becomes a Christian - leaves lesbian partner - now lawyers imprison person who helped Christian escape from homosexual lifestyle A pastor serving a 27-month prison sentence for helping a young girl and her mother escape the custody of her court-assigned lesbian “parent” has been threatened with more prison time for refusing to testify in the prosecution of Christian businessman Philip Zodhiates, who is also accused of aiding the escape. After refusing to testify on Fifth Amendment grounds, Kenneth Miller was informed by U.S. District Judge Richard Arcara that he had been granted immunity from prosecution and therefore “you no longer have a Fifth Amendment right not to answer,” according to Christian News. U.S. Assistant Attorney Paul Van De Graaf then proceeded to interrogate Kenneth Miller, asking him where he lived in September 2009, if he had ever met ex-lesbian Lisa Miller, and if he had called Timothy Miller, another Mennonite pastor living in ...