Catholic college won’t defend student threatened with gay rape for defending marriage

Catholic college students are threatening, harassing, and targeting a Resident Advisor (RA), including with a cartoon depicting him being anally raped, for posting a bulletin board affirming Catholic teaching on marriage. “I couldn’t even go brush my teeth for several nights without facing a mob in my hallway,” the RA, Michael Smalanskas, told LifeSiteNews. Providence College , where this is taking place, is run by the Dominican order ’s Province of St. Joseph – well-known in most places for its orthodoxy. However, in response to repeated vandalism of the bulletin board and other student employees threateningly congregating outside the Catholic RA’s door – requiring campus security to move Smalanskas to a safe, undisclosed location – the college’s president, a Dominican priest, said “it belongs to a Catholic college to consider the views of those who disagree with the Church’s teaching.” Another administrator, Vice President of Student Affairs Kristine Goodwin, sent an e...