Nobody talks about -the ongoing gay health crisis

There exists today a massive crisis within the “gay” community that is a direct result of the intense trauma, particularly in “gay” men, experienced during the height of AIDS epidemic. The current rather conservative swerve towards embracing, what queer theorists used to call “heterocentric norms,” by a small subsect of the “gay” community in their rush towards same-sex marriage, parenthood, and social responsibility, I argue is not a sign of progress, but of intense panic. For those of us , like myself, who lived through the 1980s and 90s, subconsciously, back then we all realized the “gay” experiment had failed us. I first saw this in the often myopic vision of ACT-UP and their repeatedly ugly and unfounded accusations against those who initially had very little to do with the rise of the AIDS epidemic. This hysteria of blame reached a violent apogee when a 1989 demonstration went out of control at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City : a group of protestors ...