
Showing posts with the label Anal cancer

Same-sex ‘marriage’ doesn’t improve LGBT health: Study

Same-sex “marriage” in the United States is not improving the health of gays and lesbians, according to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, an American think-tank. In their paper, Effects of Access to Legal Same-Sex Marriage on Marriage and Health: Evidence from BRFSS , the researchers say that the legalization of same-sex “marriage” has improved access to healthcare for gays and lesbians. Even with that improved healthcare access, though, those in same-sex “marriages” did not see any sort of bump up in their health, they concluded. Health indicators for lesbians in these legally-recognized “marriages” did not suggest they are any healthier than non-“married” lesbians. Gay men in these “marriages” also showed no improvement in their health. “Turning to health outcomes, we find no relationship between legal access to same-sex marriage and self-rated health, substance use, or preventive care take-up for men in same-sex households,” the authors wrote. The lack of a...

Anal Cancer: The New Gay Epidemic the Media Won't Talk About

The Los Angeles Times calls anal cancer "the next big crisis" for the gay community . According to the American Cancer Society, the future looks grim. The American Cancer Society estimates there will be 8,200 new anal cancer cases in 2017. In the absence of national screening recommendations, more than 50 percent of these individuals will be diagnosed at stage III or IV, when five-year survival is less than 40 percent. This creates a major public health concern. The study shows that anal cancer comes from the sexually transmitted virus HPV. What it doesn't mention is why the gay community is so susceptible to contracting HPV. Perhaps the answer is too politically incorrect for the L.A. Times. NBC reported on a similar study that was done in Hawaii involving women who contracted anal HPV . They danced around the cause in an almost laughable way. It’s not clear exactly how the women contracted anal HPV. Those who developed infections were more likely to be young ...

Anal cancer rise in gay men prompts calls for vaccinations

Gardasil vaccine and box (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The BMA has called for the HPV immunisation programme to be widened to include gay men , in an effort to tackle ‘alarming’ rates of HPV-related disease. According to a report this week in   Pulse Magazine , Colm O’Mahony, chair of the BMA’s dermatology and venereology subcommittee and BMA public health committee co-chair Penelope Toff have written to health minister Anna Soubry supporting offering the Gardasil vaccine to gay men. The BMA letter said that although it would be difficult to identify young gay men for a vaccine programme, the HPV vaccine could be administered at genitourinary medicine clinics or community sexual health clinics, perhaps as an add-on vaccination for patients receiving a hepatitis B vaccination. The letter added that ‘the increasing incidence of HPV and development of anal lesions in gay men, particularly HIV positive gay men, is alarming...

How homosexualityhandles Romans 1

Another approach views Romans 1 from the standpoint of the philosophy of moral argumentation. Pim Pronk concludes that Paul by his use of nature does not refer to the normative creation order but to the social conventions of his day, or to the biologically natural.17 This is consistent with the relationship of theology and morality. The reasoning of the “whole human community,” not revelation or theology, determines the proper human response to homosexuality or any other moral concern.  Theology cannot tell us what God’s will is for us. The exegesis of Romans 1 can affirm that homosexuality is sin in a given time and culture, but it cannot tell us whether this is normative and definitive for people today who read Paul’s statements. This issue is the concern of hermeneutics. Theology is not the epistemological source of the knowledge of good and evil; it exists only to affirm the idea that moral reasoning is God’s will. Moral education, critical thinking, and rational argumenta...

Homosexual men twice as likely to have cancer: study

Image via Wikipedia Homosexual men are twice as likely to have had cancer than men who are not homosexual, with the difference likely being explained by the high prevalence of anal cancer and HIV /AIDS among homosexual men , according to a study issued in California today. The study, published in the journal Cancer, examined the cancer prevalence in men and women in categories of “sexual orientation” and subsequently compared the health of male and female cancer survivors.  The study was based on data from a self-reporting survey conducted by the California Health Interview of over 120,000 people in the state of California over 2001, 2003, and 2005.  It is the largest state survey of its kind in the United States. Of those interviewed, 1,493 men described themselves as homosexuals and 3,690 men reported a cancer diagnosis .  Homosexual men were 1.9 times more likely than other men to have had cancer and, on average, were diagnosed with cancer ten years earlier than ...