Over 750,000 pledge to boycott Target for giving men access to women’s bathrooms

Over 750,000 people have pledged to boycott Target over the company’s new policy allowing men to use women’s bathrooms . The American Family Association, which launched the petition , says the fact that it’s generated such a large response in only five days shows how outraged Americans are. “American families are concerned about their wives and daughters being harmed by predators or voyeurs who will now have more freedom to enter women’s bathrooms,” AFA president Tim Wildmon . “There are many more sex offenders in America than transgender people, so we believe that Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the transgender community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex option should be provided, as AFA has proposed.” Target announced its new policy last week, writing in a statement that it would allow people to use bathrooms based on their self-determined “ gender identity ” and not biological reali...