Archbishop rebukes top cardinal’s proposal for liturgical ‘blessing’ for homosexuals

An influential archbishop in the United States has issued a strong warning after Germany ’s leading cardinal endorsed the idea of introducing a formal rite of “blessing” for homosexual couples. Archbishop Charles Chaput says a “blessing rite” such as that proposed by Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx would “undermine the Catholic witness” on marriage and “wound” the unity of the Church. YOU CALL SINNERS TO REPENTANCE NOT TO CELEBRATIONS! “The imprudence of such public statements is—and should be—the cause of serious concern,” the archbishop of Philadelphia wrote in his weekly column on Tuesday. “It requires a response because what happens in one local reality of the global Church inevitably resonates elsewhere—including eventually here.” Cardinal Marx has become one of the most influential prelates under Pope Francis . He serves on the council of nine cardinals who are advising the Pope on Church reform. He is president of the German bishops’ conference , and preside...