Yes Homosexual Marriage Impacts Every Single One of Us

Everything changes when homosexual marriage is legalised. I have documented this basic truth countless times in my books and in numerous articles. Everyone is impacted and society is changed forever when we give legal recognition to this social fiction. When we allow the revolutionary assault on marriage by denying its most basic claim – marriage is composed of two different genders : male and female – we open a can of worms that cannot be closed. A genderless marriage means genderless families, a genderless society, and a state crackdown on all who might disagree. I have been quoting the activists concerning all this for decades now. They have spilled the beans and told us exactly what they intend. Consider just three such quotes. Lesbian activist Masha Gessen said to a Sydney audience in May 2012: It’s a no-brainer that we should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist [cheers from th...