Gay ‘marriage’ threatens to break apart Church of England

Since the 1970s when the Episcopalians in North America began incorporating "higher" biblical criticism and discussing a "compassionate" acceptance of homosexuality, whole groups of American faithful have fled the denomination. The website lists 146 "Churches of Anglican or Episcopal Tradition" that are " Not in the Communion ," having separated from the Church of England because of various doctrinal and moral issues. Now, a group within England is setting the stage for yet another coup, making preparations for a "shadow synod" as a possible alternative Anglican church in Great Britain. A dozen Anglican parishes, including congregations from three dioceses (Rochester, Canterbury, and Chichester), are organizing in Tunbridge Wells this week to stand against “biblical compromise.” Sympathizers say their desire to be true to Christ reflects "the beginning of wisdom" — the fear of God (Proverbs 9, ...