Country Singer was married to husband now wants to marry woman

Aussie country music singer Beccy Cole will appear on the ABC's Australian Story on Monday night , calling for marriage equality so she can marry her partner Libby O'Donovan. It is unfortunate that the ABC continues to promote homosexual marriage with few opposing views being presented. The ABC appears to be the mouthpiece of the Marriage Equality organizations. "I married a bloke and that was legal, now I just want to do it right, but I want to be allowed to," Cole said . Her statement appears to be confused. Cole was a heterosexual woman with a husband but now decides she is a lesbian. So people weren't born gay with a gay gene? Or is this just lust or is being gay trendy at the moment? Cole says, "When it's something that you really believe in and something that affects you directly and you can see it affecting people within your community, then I think there is a time to stand up and say, 'Come on, let's get this right'." ...