Would you attend a homosexual marriage?

Pastor John, if one of your family members invited you to their so-called same-sex marriage ceremony, would you attend it? Just contemplating that thought is heartbreaking. My answer is no. I wouldn’t. And that would be a kind of shattering of the cornerstone of a father’s broken heart at that moment. Here is why. I assume that is what they really want to know — not just whether I would go or not, but why. Why wouldn’t I? Defining ‘Marriage’ One, it is not a wedding, because it is not a marriage. Therefore, attending it as a wedding is to be false, like everyone there is being false. There is no such thing as a so-called same-sex marriage. God has defined marriage as a covenantal union for life between a man and a woman as husband and wife. This isn’t that. Therefore, this is not a marriage, and this is not a wedding. I am not going to lie about it by going. How Heaven Fastens Two, this union — if you can dare to call it that — is not being joined in heaven. Jesus said, ...