Homosexual Counselling and ECT

"It's wrong… it's totally unacceptable. I'm an example of the enormous damage that it can do to people." The 71-year-old former Baptist minister is a survivor of a practice once believed to rid patients of their same-sex attraction . Yet ' Electroconvulsive Therapy ' (ECT) is used to treat a number of psychiatric conditions . ECT has been shown to be a very effective treatment. For uncomplicated severe depression, evidence suggests at least an 80% improvement. However, not all patients improve at the same rate, as with all forms of medical treatment. It is important to note that generally, it will take around 4 to 5 treatments before you will feel an improvement in your symptoms. One patient reports: Years after first refusing it, ECT gave me a chance at life. I grasped this opportunity and I continually try to make the most of it. I will always have dark days, weeks or maybe months but I feel stronger than I have ever felt. My confidence an...