Billionaire gay ‘marriage’ advocate backs Marco Rubio

Billionaire Paul Singer , best known in politics for his backing of Jewish and LGBT causes, has backed Florida Senator Marco Rubio in the GOP presidential race. The biggest donor in the 2014 race, Singer's LGBT activism is due to the orientation of his son, Andrew. The elder Singer has created at least two groups dedicated to protecting the state of Israel , loosening immigration laws, and expanding the role of government in promoting the LGBT community 's goals. Rubio's star has risen since last week's GOP debate, especially with potential competitors for donors either leaving the race, such as Wisconsin governor Scott Walker , or dropping in polls, such as former Florida governor Jeb Bush . CNN reports that in a letter sent to donors, Singer said Rubio is "the best explainer of conservatism in public life today," and "in a field full of promise, but also of risk for the party, Senator Rubio is the strongest choice." Singer specifically prais...