
Showing posts with the label Election Day (United States)

Pro-family activists call on Trump to undo Obama transgender ‘guidance’

A leading pro-natural marriage advocate called on President-elect Donald Trump to reverse outgoing President Obama ’s pro-homosexual and pro-transgender Executive Orders while the ACLU threatens to sue Trump to stop him from implementing his campaign promises. Ryan Anderson , a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation ,   tweeted : "Because so much of the bad that [Barack Obama] did came through executive action, [Donald Trump] can get rid of it all.” And he added: “With one stroke of a pen   @realDonaldTrump   can get rid of the DOE [Department of Education]/DOJ [ Department of Justice ] Transgender Agenda and allow local schools to find win-win solutions.” Back in May, in an interview with   The Washington Post , Trump promised to revoke Obama’s highly-controversial “transgender” student directive — which pushes schools to allow gender-confused students to use the opposite-sex restrooms of their perceived “gender identity,” under the thre...