
Showing posts with the label Alcoholism

Former lesbian on why it’s ‘cruel’ for Church leaders to go soft on same-sex relationships

Lesbian sin (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Robin Teresa Beck, 59, lived through 12 lesbian relationships over the course of 35 years before her dramatic conversion to the Catholic faith and healing from homosexuality, just five years ago. Read LifeSiteNews’ coverage of Robin’s dramatic story  here . Read the full interview here . Beck spoke with LifeSiteNews over the phone from her home in Michigan in the Detroit area about everything from the impossibility of creating a healthy gay relationship, to why lesbian relationships can never fulfill the emotional needs of women, to how she believes God looks on people struggling with homosexuality, to how the Church should approach homosexuals. Her experience with same-sex attraction and the gay lifestyle gives her insight into what is at the heart of homosexuality and why it is fundamentally incompatible with the human person and with Christianity . “Our Creator said that a man leaves his mother and father and comes togethe...

Blaming God for the sin of Homosexuality?

Image via Wikipedia Homosexuals today commonly claim that they cannot help being homosexual. Homosexuality, they argue, is innate: perhaps genetically determined, in any case inescapable. It is what they are. God made them that way. Therefore, they conclude, church and society should accept their homosexuality as natural and normal. Similar questions arise in other areas. Some years ago, it was learned that an abnormally high proportion of men with a “double y” ( XYY ) chromosome engage in anti-social or criminal behavior . Later came the discovery that a certain gene is associated with a relatively high percentage of alcoholics. And still more recently, Simon LeVay , a gay activist and neuroscientist, argued that there are some significant differences between the brains of exclusive homosexuals and those of presumed heterosexuals. Does this research imply that homosexuality is an innate condition rather than a choice? Can it not be helped, and therefore accepted as normal? I belie...
Image via Wikipedia Homosexuals today commonly claim that they cannot help being homosexual. Homosexuality, they argue, is innate: perhaps genetically determined, in any case inescapable. It is what they are. God made them that way. Therefore, they conclude, church and society should accept their homosexuality as natural and normal. Similar questions arise in other areas. Some years ago, it was learned that an abnormally high proportion of men with a “double y” ( XYY ) chromosome engage in anti-social or criminal behavior . Later came the discovery that a certain gene is associated with a relatively high percentage of alcoholics. And still more recently, Simon LeVay , a gay activist and neuroscientist, argued that there are some significant differences between the brains of exclusive homosexuals and those of presumed heterosexuals. Does this research imply that homosexuality is an innate condition rather than a choice? Can it not be helped, and therefore accepted as normal? Image vi...