UK group pushes transgender indoctrination on three-year-olds

British three-year-olds should be taught to accept transgender playmates and explore their own gender using storybooks featuring androgynous penguins, MPs heard last week. But a parents' group says three is too young for gender issues, and that children are already being overloaded with ineffective social messaging. The statements to the British Parliament 's Committee on Women and Equalities (membership: 10 female MPs and a single male) came from The Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES), a lobby group for transgender people and one of many pro-trans rights groups testifying about everything from transgender people in the prison system to transgender victims of hate crimes in the courts. But it was transgender penguins that easily hooked the British news media as several national dailies happily ran full-colour illustrations from the hitherto unheard of Penguin Land series. These books are GIRE's tools for targeting nursery school an...