Still angry with the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage?

I’ve been checking my Facebook newsfeed more in the past few days than I have in the last couple months combined, and I’m filled with sadness over the response of some people I thought were Christians, but have obviously departed from the Gospel . I’m super thankful for my old pastor and his thoughts , as well as my current pastor and his video . But I’ve also been concerned about the response of some other friends. As I was watching people’s responses and examining my own angry thoughts about the SCOTUS decision, I couldn’t help but think what is the purpose in what we are posting and saying? What is our goal? Are we trying to avoid persecution? Are we trying to convince people that we are being mistreated? Are we trying to evangelize? Can anyone come to faith by our giving crafty arguments against same-sex marriage? A few years ago, I was out doing street evangelism for one of the first times in my life in Italy , and I walked up to a market place where a guy named Mario (yes th...