Australia: Turnbull Error - supporting Homosexual Marriage

The high stakes game of politics over same-sex marriage is now dangerous and unpredictable with the main question being: will the champions of change kill off the Coalition’s plebiscite, thereby denying the main hope of reform in this parliament? That would be a strange and self-defeating step. The tactical and moral issue is immense — it is whether the advocates of same-sex marriage put the means before the end and are so fiercely opposed to a plebiscite that they reject the mandate Malcolm Turnbull won at the election. If parliament votes against the plebiscite bill the pivotal question becomes the assumption on which it acts. Does it act on the honest, upfront admission that, more likely than not, it means same-sex marriage will be delayed for another three years? Former High Court judge Michael Kirby is prepared to accept this price. Indeed, he wrote on this page it is better “that nothing at all were done by the federal parliament on same-sex marriage than that a plebiscite was...