Homosexual religious Left condemns ‘toxic’ Evangelical Nashville Statement defending Biblical morality

LGBTQ theologians and activists are feverishly attacking the evangelical Nashville Statement that upholds biblical sexual morality , as a religious Left counter-statement declared it “toxic” and against the “Holy Spirit.” Though liberal media and blogs referred to the pro-LGBTQ counter-statement as by “Christian leaders,” their propositions are antithetical to longstanding biblical teachings on sex and marriage. Historically the vast majority of Christians have believed that the Holy Spirit is a person of the triune God, that homosexual sodomy is an abomination (i.e., “detestable”), and that all sex outside of marriage between a man and woman is sinful. As LifeSiteNews reported , the evangelical Nashville Statement, signed by more than 150 evangelical and church leaders and issued Tuesday, reflects this 2,000-year-old strain of Christianity. It is composed of 14 affirmations and denials, includes biblically-based teachings on homosexuality, transgenderism and sexual purity (chasti...