Truth Haters

In the vast array of leftist lies, one of the most dangerous is that groups and people defending historic Judeo- Christian sexual morality are somehow guilty of "hate." The main perpetrator of that “big lie” these days is the Southern Poverty Law Center ( SPLC ), which has turned smearing and demonizing social conservatives fighting the homosexual-transgender agenda into a very profitable business. The SPLC is attempting to pull off one of the nastiest and most audacious “bait-and-switch” propaganda coups in history — equating the Christian-conservative led effort to defend biblical morality against the aggressive LGBTQ lobby with vile racists, Neo-Nazis and anti-Semitic extremist groups. The Birmingham, Alabama -based SPLC’s “hate” campaign is helped along by lazy, biased journalists and online “social justice warriors” who delight in using its past anti-racism credentials to advance the Left's immoral and deviant sex-gender agenda. CNN lends legitimacy to SPLC Yes...