Romanian TV star slammed for speaking out against gay agenda

April 7, 2015 ( ) -- On April 5th, Romanian TV superstar and bestselling author Mihaela Radulescu has posted an article on her blog which was met with an avalanche of debate, cheers, critical comments and even verbal violence. She has claimed to have been inspired by a Facebook post made by her life partner, Austrian adventurer Felix Baumgartner , the first skyjumper to ever break the sound barrier in a 39-kilometer high freefall through stratosphere in 2012. Recently, on Facebook, the skydiver expressed his support for Austrian folk singer Andreas Gabalier. The singer , in his thank-you speech at the Amadeus – The Austrian Music Awards, had said that “it’s not easy in this world, where one can either be a male or a female”. The artist’s comments were met with booing from the public, which made him say there should be more tolerance “from the other side”. This prompted Baumgartner to write on his Facebook wall that guys like Gabalier...