Jimmy Carter needs a reality check on the damage homosexuality does

Vicious attacks on Christians? People losing their jobs and businesses? Kids being corrupted? Church communities in total disarray? What's not to like about the "LGBTQ" movement in America? Oh, but Jimmy Carter thinks "gay marriage" doesn't damage anyone. Jimmy Carter talks like he spent the last two decades in New Zealand. Maybe he did, mentally. He is clueless and so, so wrong about homosexuality which, far from being a victimless sin, is the progenitor of virulent pathologies that are poisoning our culture. The homosexuality/gender rebellion movement, behaviors and identities are toxic. If we didn't know this forty years ago when "gay rights" was in its infancy (and Carter was president), we certainly have ample evidence now. Carter said in a recent interview , "I think Jesus would encourage any … love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don't see that gay marriage damages anyone else....